Monday, December 14, 2009

Jackson's first trip to the ER

Today was a very crazy day! First I took Jackson to Old Navy because I wanted to get Jackson, Mike and I cute pajamas for Christmas. He has been teething and not liking nap time lately. I decided to take him out because he always falls asleep in the car. Next we went to celebrate Gavin and Abby's birthday. They had such adorable cakes :0)

Jackson was having a great time running around. He was walking quickly and stumbled and face planted right into the gravel sidewalk. I was right behind him but wasn't able to catch him. Blood was all over his face and at first I thought he had a nose bleed but then saw the gash. We did put some medicine on it, actually Rich and Mark bandaged him up, but it didn't look to be healing so we headed to the ER where he got dermabond and it looks pretty good now. He goes to the doctor on Monday to get his second H1N1 shot so we will have them check up on him. He did cry but he sure was a trooper.

This is Jackson in the Emergency Room when they were cleaning his head laceration. He looks so sad, he didn't cry though! What a trooper! Will post pics later on this week when we the dermabond wears off. I was so worried he would have a scar but the doctor says he shouldn't as long as he doesn't pick at the wound.

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