Friday, May 18, 2012

33w5d Why???

I know I haven't been able to talk about the details of why we had to deliver.  So here is the story. The pregnancy was going great. The past 3 weeks the doctors started to monitor the twins more closely.  Emilie was doing just fine and gaining weight. Andrew was close to her one week and then wasn't making as much progress as her the next week with weight gain. Therefore, the doctors had me come in twice a week for stress test monitoring of the babies and a weekly ultrasound. On Thursday, I went to my regular stress test and diabetes monitoring at the hospital.  Mike was actually able to come to this ultrasound.  With his work schedule and the fact that they usually do appts in the morning, he has only been to one appt with this pregnancy. So we were very excited he could come to this ultrasound and hear the babies heartbeats.  Let me just say, I am so glad he was there! Once we found out that Andrew's placenta was not producing enough blood flow, I was a mess!  I just remember the Doctor saying you are not going home and will be having a steroid shot today and Friday and delivering on Saturday. The steroid shot makes the lungs mature pretty much almost in 48 hours. I had been mentally preparing myself for delivery after Memorial Day because the doctors had said it was going to be soon.  But I was definitely not thinking it would be at 34 weeks!  All along I had told Mike it could happen at a dr visit and they would say your delivering now but I never really thought it would happen to me :)  This is one of the last pictures of me pregnant, 43 pounds later. I asked the nurse to take it for me because Mike was at home getting our half packed bag and making arrangements.  We were going to take pictures at the park the day I delivered because it was supposed to be beautiful :(   
 All hooked up to monitors for the baby heartbeats and contractions.  Turns out with all the stress I started having contractions till they hooked me up to an IV.
 Our little photographer, Jackson taking a picture of mommy and daddy!
My handsome boy, he is getting so big!  Can't believe he is almost a big brother!!!

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